Buying local flowers is a beautiful and unique experience because many flowers are extremely ephemeral and hyper-seasonal, available for only a short time or in a particular season - much like locally-grown strawberries, tomatoes, and pumpkins. Part of what makes enjoying local flowers so special is the anticipation of waiting for your favourites and experiencing the seasons as they change, as represented through flowers. PHOTOS COMING SOON!
Spring flowers are probably the most cherished of all, the first bursts of colour and beauty returning to a long-barren landscape. Spring flowers include some of the showiest blooms, including peonies, tulips, ranunculus, and anemones. Colours often include pastels. Often planted in Autumn, these flowers require the cold of Winter to establish plus a long, cool Spring (sometimes elusive in Maryland!) to really flourish. Even a few days in a row of unseasonably high temperatures can finish Spring flowers in a blink.
Summer flowers contain all the brightness and energy of golden sunshine pouring down from blue skies, Summer flowers include sunflowers, celosia, rudbeckia, lisianthus, zinnias, hydrangeas, gladiolas, and many more. Colours often include the full range, including pastels, brights, jewel tones, and neutrals. These flowers thrive in the heat and love basking in the sun. However, they are unable to withstand frost and will slow and become less productive as temperatures cool and daylight hours wane shorter.
Autumn flowers capture the velvety richness of the season of change. Autumn flowers continue on from Summer, but shorter days and cooler temperatures bring on new blooms as well. Autumn flowers include dahlias, solidago, sedum, sunflowers, amaranth, and mums. Colours often include jewel tones. Some Autumn flowers prefer cooler temperatures and shorter days. Some need a very long time to establish and bloom, even to the point of finally flowering just barely in time to escape our frosts.